Data Extracts define the field or session data that will be extracted from one or more Campaigns. These can then either be run manually at-will, or be scheduled to run at particular times via the Reporting Scheduler.
Data Extracts are reached via the main Reporting module:
Data Extracts can be created and named by clicking on this button.
A list of all Data Extracts, with the currently selected Data Extract highlighted.
Extract Name
The name of the selected Data Extract is displayed and can be edited here.
Extract Description
A description can be added to explain the expected usage or coverage of the selected Data Extract.
Extract Fields
The Extract Fields section is the core of the Data Extract module. It allows selecting and ordering fields, and changing the alias for those fields in the generated extract.
If adding Script Fields, then initially a list of Campaigns is presented. After selecting a Campaign, the desired fields can then be selected from the list on the right; this list includes field names from all versions of the Workflow currently attached to that Campaign. When the Data Extract is run (manually or via schedule), then any fields in any selected campaign that match the selected field names will have their data included.
If adding Special Fields, then data can be added that relates to the specific history entry (for example, a single phone call), the record as a whole (for example, all communications with a particular phone number), or static text.
Extract Schedules
The Extract Schedules section lists any Report Schedules that are configured for the current Data Extract, and includes some quick information about these Report Schedules. It's possible to filter this list by status by clicking the appropriate button in the top-right corner. Configuring and scheduling a Data Extract run are discussed in separate articles.
Manually Run Extract
It's possible to run a Data Extract manually as a one-off without a Report Schedule being configured for that Data Extract. This process is documented in the article about configuring a Data Extract run, and simply skips the scheduling step that normally follows it.
Any extract that is performed using this will not have its configuration saved, so this is generally useful when trying to run an unusual configuration of a particular Data Extract. If you expect to manually run the same configuration repeatedly, it's probably better to configure a "Once" schedule the first time that the data is required, and then re-running that schedule as desired rather than using the Run option here that requires configuration be performed every time.
If deleting a Data Extract, then it will also delete any Report Schedules that are configured for this Data Extract.
A Data Extract must be saved before it can be used for a Report Schedule.