Awaken Scripting User Guide

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Design Module

The Design module is used to create, edit, style, schedule and organise Workflows. This module will only be available to users that have the Designer licence. Editing Workflows is limited to users that are a member of a group associated with the Workflow; the System group is automatically associated with all Workflows, but other groups that are created are associated with Workflows on a per-Workflow basis.
Design Module


1. History
Workflow History shows the history of who edited a Workflow, when the edited it, what machine or IP address they used when doing so, and the action that was taken.


2. Stylesheets
Stylesheets provide basic formatting options to applied to pages and controls within a Workflow. These include changing the background colour of a page, all control text colour, applying a logo to the top and centre of each Workflow page and changing the colour of all page buttons.


3. Templates
Workflow pages can be marked as Templates making the Workflow creation process much quicker. Templates can be set to appear in every new Workflow that is created if required, or added on an ad hoc basis. When a Template page is created, the controls are also copied and grouped. This allows users to add just the controls from a template to a Workflow page, rather than creating a new page.

Version Scheduler

4.  Version Scheduler
The Version Scheduler allows a version of a Workflow to be made live automatically on a specific date and time.


5. Workflows
Access Workflows, to either view, edit or create.