If trying to display complex HTML content in a script, such as the body of an email, then simply rendering the content in aText Label may not have the reproduced content display as expected due to incompatibilities between Scripting's stylesheet and that of the source content. For this reason, the RenderHTML page was created: it echoes the content of a specified Workflow Field and renders it for display within an IFrame or Web Frameset to ensure proper rendering.
How To
The minimal syntax for rendering a Field's content is:
The name of the Workflow Field that contains the HTML to be rendered, this should be provided without being wrapped in square brackets.
The Session ID that the Field specified in the content parameter should have the data rendered for. It would typically be the current Session, so this might either be passed in directly as a number, or as [var_csSessionID].
(Optional) If JavaScript content within the HTML needs to be run, then setting this parameter to true will allow anything within an HTML <script> element to be run. If set to false or omitted, then any content within a <script> element will be removed.
Note: when including any parameters, you must include a ? between the initial fragment and the first parameter, and an & between any parameters.
Example for rendering a received email including scripted content:
http://scripting.testcompany.com/executer/RenderHTML.aspx?content=Email Body HTML&sessionID=[var_csSessionID]&keepScriptTags=true
This would render the HTML body text of an email, including allowing any scripted content to run.
Care should be taken, as the content parameter requires a Field name, whereas the sessionID parameter requires a number (which can be provided as a Field reference).
All parameters used in this need to be URL compatible, or URL encoded.