Awaken Scripting User Guide

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List Box

The List Box control allows an agent to easily select option(s) from a list. Depending on configuration, it can be compared with either the Radio Button, Check Box, or Table.
This control is part of the Basic control pack, and will always be available.

How To

Add a List Box to the Workflow Page. The control's options and style can be configured in the Options and Styling tabs of the Field Properties, and Validation can be applied if desired.
To configure the available options, use the Datasource Wizard in the Advanced Options tab.
The List Box has two unique options available in its Options tab:
Maximum Items in List
This specifies the maximum number of items that can be displayed in the List Box. If more rows than this value are provided or returned, then they will be truncated to this count when the Workflow is run.
Multiple Selection
If enabled, then the agent will be able to select more than one option by CTRL-clicking multiple rows.


The data displayed within the editor will be the first 10 rows that were returned during the configuration process when the List Box was last saved after completing the Datasource Wizard. If there are more than 10 rows, the editor will then display a final "..." row to indicate that further data hasn't been displayed. This has no impact on the return of all data when running the Workflow (either as a preview or as an agent), with the content then only being limited by the configured data source and the specified value of the Maximum Items in List option.
If multiple options are selected, their values are combined in the Field's value as a comma-separated list in the order that they are selected.
The List Box displays in one of two ways depending on whether the Display Items option is greater or equal to 1; either displaying as a drop-down list (if Display Items is 1), or a multi-line list (if Display Items is greater than 1). If the multi-line display mode is active, then a scroll bar will be displayed beside the list if the number of options is greater than the number in Display Items.